Mark Trenwith debuts at the OutHouse this Edinburgh Fringe and Laughing Horse
Free Festival with Be My Friend, a comedy packed with risky social experiments
in the name of friendliness.
Tummy-clenching, belly aching stuff.. said
ArtsHub of this Australian comedians barrage of real life stunts which resulted in
everything from run-ins with gangsta rappers to brushes with the law.
I like to do things in my comedy
rather than just talk or complain about it,explains Trenwith of his various
experiments which have included sending a singing telegram as a job application, adorning
strangers feet with rose petals and writing letters to people with the last name friend.
Just to see if they are friendly, explains Trenwith, turns out
theyre not. Turns out they tend call the police!
It is all presented in a fast paced multimedia style
that is certainly making this Australian talent one to watch. Henry Nicholls of dB
Magazine says, the various multimedia bits Trenwith uses are the highlights, each
more surreal than the last
one of the most hilarious things Ive ever
Trenwiths multimedia playing with the world
around him style of comedy has seen him earn roles on TV and film in his motherland
including Peaches (starring Hugo Weaving) and Being Me (ABC TV) and perform regularly at
Adelaide Fringe and Melbourne Comedy Festivals.