Click here for 2008 reviews
Press and
Reviews 2007
28th Aug - Mike Belgrave -   - Three Weeks - click here
28th Aug - I Kissed a Frog & It gave me
Herpes -   - Three Weeks - click here
28th Aug - Dougie C -   - Three Weeks - click here
26th Aug - Three Comedians for the Price of
None -    - Three Weeks - click here
25th Aug - Rob Broderick -   - The Scotsman - click here
25th Aug - Paul Betney -   - The Scotsman - click
24th Aug - Mark Allen -   - Three Weeks - click here
24th Aug - Shelley Cooper -  - Scootsgay - Click Here
24th Aug - Shelley Cooper -  - Chortle - Click
24th Aug - Sally-Anne Hayward -   - Three Weeks - click here
24th Aug - Nicole Korkolis -   - The Scotsman - click
23rd August - The
List's Top 5 Festival Surprises: The Free Festival - The Laughing Horses
Free Fringe have given hundreds of performers a chance to get up in front of bigger and
more appreciative audiences than they might normally encounter. The little-known acts of
this year may well be the stars of 2008 so go along and check them out. We salute their
generosity of spirit.
23rd Aug - Shelley Cooper -   - Three Weeks - click here
23rd Aug - Dizzy High -   - Three Weeks - click here
23rd Aug - Nicole Korkolis -   - One4Review - click here
23rd Aug - Why I hate Mechanics -   - Three Weeks - click here
23rd Aug - Dan Willis-    -
The List - click here
23rd Aug - Chris McCaisland -   - The List - click here
23rd Aug - Maureen Younger
Quick Quiz in Three Weeks - Click Here
22nd Aug - John Gordillo -   - Chortle - click
22nd Aug - Bevan and Browne -   - Night News
22nd Aug - John Gordillo -    -
One4Review - click
22nd Aug - Pretty Dirty Things -
One4Review - click here
22nd Aug - Shelley Cooper -   - One4Review - click here
22nd Aug - The Honky and the Wog -   - Three Weeks
The Honky And The Wog Free Stand Up Show
Laughing Horse Free Festival
The 70's styled title may suggest something a little more hard-hitting, or unusual, but
this free show is really just two young comedians taking a half-hour each and trying to
make a packed room laugh. And they do. Opener Maff Brown is the more relaxed and
gregarious, making some nice observations and handling latecomers with ease and humour.
Nathan Caton is the more nervous - surrounded by 'Honkys', his delivery is slightly
hurried - but he also has a little more originality in his act, smartly exploring many
racial stereotypes from a youthful angle. All in all, two acts that complement each other
well, making for a fresh, funny, free hour of comedy. Worth checking out.
Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 6 - 25 Aug (not 21), 5:00pm (6:00pm), Free Ticketed,
fpp 54.
tw rating 3/5
22nd Aug - Aug - Richard Coughlan Rap -
    - Three Weeks
Can You Get A World Record In Rap With Richard
Laughing Horse Free Festival
I'm not big on science, but I kind of get what Einstein was going on about with
relativity. Time for example; an hour can seem like a minute when you're in a maths exam
and it can work the other way too. The nine hours and forty four seconds that Richard
Coughlin was rapping (to break the world record for longest rap) seemed like a lot longer
to me and all I was doing was watching - for the man himself it must have seemed like an
eternity. Coughlin performed this charity rap marathon without taking any of the breaks he
was allowed, which was a brave (and slightly crazy) move. Audience suggestions and some
guests, including Phil Nichol and Pat Monahan, helped Coughlin along, but it was his sheer
determination and vocal dexterity that got him through those long, long hours. And us too.
Laughing Horse @ Linsay's, 15 Aug, 1:30pm (11:00pm), Free non-ticketed, fpp 36. tw rating
21st Aug - Dougie C
-    - Edinburgh Guide - click here
21st Aug - The Very Near
Future -    - Night News
venue :: Laughing Horse @ Berlin
Comment :: Showcasing the stand-up talents of these two young fresh faced comedians, both
deadpan and intelligent.
21st Aug - Chris McCausland - The
Stage - click
21st Aug - I Kissed a Frog and it Gave me
Herpes -    - The Scotsman - click here
21st Aug - Stan Stanley -   - Chortle - click
20th Aug - Juliet Meyers -   - Freshair
After last years well received Fringe
show, Juliet is back this year, telling us about her adventures on myspace, her
eight-year-old nephews obsession with MTV hip-hop culture, and her wonderful friend
Denise (who found her on myspace) who reminding her of her ticking biological
Meyers appears very nervous on stage, but that
just may be an act as she is a very funny and enjoyable comedian who engages the audience
perfectly. In fact her interaction with the audience is probably the best Ive seen
from a comedian and her one tonight was a dream. From one guy who didnt own a TV, to
a group of work colleagues celebrating a friends 40th birthday (whom 2 of the group
suffered from sciatica), Juliet got laughs from them all but never laughed at them, a
wonderful change from some of the comedians here at the Fringe.
Funny, engaging and delightful to watch,
Meyers has another good Fringe show on her hands
20th Aug - Bevan & Browne -    -
Bevan and Browne are here to help us overcome
our fears and terrors by talking about them and putting them into context (Would
anyone be terrified of a film called Polystyrene On A Plane?).
Sian Bevan and Niall Browne take us through
everyday terrors from Brownies and other Christian-based organizations through to the
terrifying prospect of pigeons and seagulls mating to produce a piggull, a hybrid capable
of killing you AND taking your chips. Niall, from Northern Ireland, appears the more
political of the two, even demonstrating how quaint the Southern Irish accent
is (witness the difference in the phrase I know where you live) and how it can
be the key to getting away with almost anything.
Two very confident and funny performers who
produce a very funny show.
20th Aug - Obie -   - Three Weeks
Obie Is Maraculous
I didn't have very high expectations of this show. Especially as it had a primary school
spelling error in the title. Plus, when I met the man who did the show, he had the air of
a Scottish village idiot about him. As expected, the show started with some pretty
no-brainer humour, told foul-mouthedly and semi-literately. But then Obie began exceeding
my expectations with some witty responses to hecklers in the audience, and with a memory
game that showed he clearly wasn't as dumb as he looked. Certainly my initial gut feeling
that this guy would figuratively die on stage was misguided. By the end he had everyone on
side, and a good time was had by all.
Laughing Horse @ Meadow Bar, 5 - 25 Aug, 6:50pm (7:50pm), Free, fpp 80.
tw rating 3/5
19th Aug - The Christian, The Jew, The Muslim
and The Geordie -   - Three Weeks
The Christian, The Jew, The Muslim and The Geordie
Joe Bor
The basic idea of this show is that for one hour you get treated to four stand-up
comedians from totally different backgrounds. However, today only two of those comedians
were present (the Muslim and the Jew), another was standing-in (the Replacement), and all
three performed with a similar style and delivery, and with pretty similar material.
Nevertheless, while this show may not have completely fulfilled its premise, the three
performers did provide enjoyable and humorous routines. Particularly worth mentioning is
Joe Bor (aka the Jew). Although concentrating on easy comedy targets, Bor has a convincing
natural stage presence and comedic skill that keeps even the most stubborn audience
members happy throughout his unfortunately short set. And for some free afternoon stand-up
you can't ask better than that.
Laughing Horse @ Jekyll & Hyde, 4 - 25 Aug, 2:55pm (3:55pm), free non-ticketed, fpp
tw rating 3/5
19th Aug - Jay Sodagar -   - Three Weeks
Confessions Of A Logical Mind 2 -
Now I Have A Headache
Jay Sodagar
A comedy show it wasn't. It felt more like a chat with your mate over a beer. It just
happened that your mate was a slightly unusual stand up comedian who is busy writing,
performing and producing his own show. It's very much a one man affair - he's even forced
to introduce himself: "So ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Jay
Sodagar"! The show's main aim seems to be to demonstrate how messed up the world is,
but in a thought-provoking slightly academic way, which felt like a cross between a
laid-back party political broadcast and a university lecture. But there were lighter
moments too - his comments about love and relationships were, in particular, insightful
and almost poetic. And we did leave feeling we'd learnt something about the world both
intellectually and emotionally. Not bad for a free show, surely!
Laughing Horse @ Hillside, 4 - 14 Aug, 7:00pm (8:00pm), free ticketed, fpp 39
tw rating 3/5
19th Aug - The Good, The Bad And The Cuddly
'Ride Again -    - Three Weeks
The Good, The Bad And The Cuddly
'Ride Again' - Free!
Laughing Horse Free Festival
If I had paid to see one of the TV comedians at this year's Fringe I would almost feel
cheated having seen this free show, which surely competes with many of the eight-pound
affairs - for a free show it is pretty much unmissable. Three comedians share the hour
between them, and they just get better as the show goes on. Sion James begins proceedings
by appointing a sheriff, and gives him permission to shoot (albeit a water-pistol) at any
bad gags. Not one shot is fired. Neil Price follows with some good material, but the star
is Henry Paker; every one of his jokes is built up perfectly, and the punch-line is always
hilarious. Clever material, but silly enough not to alienate anyone; see this show for
free while you still can.
Laughing Horse @ Meadow Bar, 11 - 25 Aug, 4:20pm (5:20pm), free (non-ticketed),
fpp 51.
tw rating 4/5
19th Aug - Dazed and Confused -   - Three Weeks
Dazed And Confused-Free
Big Hair Bros
I must admit that when I get something for free I tend to look for the catch, but 'Dazed
And Confused' illustrates the beauty of the Fringe Festival. As I am led to the basement
of this backstreet venue I start to worry, but soon realise that this is where many
comedians either sink or swim. The show consists of two 15 minute slots, with a good dose
of audience participation thrown in. When the performers finally settle into the swing of
things, the show improves no end. If you are looking for the next Ricky Gervais or Bill
Hicks, then this may not be for you. However, go with an open mind, and you're onto a
winner/and you could be on to a winner.
Laughing Horse @ Linsay's, 5 - 27 Aug, 3:00pm (4:00pm), free non-ticketed, fpp 41.
tw rating 3/5
19th Aug - John Gordillo -     - Three Weeks
John Gordillo: Free
John Gordillo
"Let's sit near the door in case it's shite" - John Gordillo recalls what he'd
once heard two audience members say at the start of his show. He didn't clarify whether
they did, in fact, leave early, but I suspect they didn't because Gordillo sky-rocketed
the normally low expectations of free events. The quality of his act was something you'd
normally see at one of the big venues. His biting presentation of bizarre situations,
mainly concerned with sex and death, worked perfectly for the crowd in this ornate but
stuffy room above the Counting House. He pointed out that the most expensive comedy this
year is Ricky Gervais at £37.50 and I can say honestly, John Gordillo's of the same
calibre and he's free.
Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 6 - 25 Aug (not 7, 14, 21), 5:00pm (5:50pm), free
non-ticketed, fpp 62.
tw rating 5/5
18th Aug - James Blood -   - Three Weeks
Apocalypse Soon - Free
Laughing Horse Free Festival
Wayward of the Festival circuit and suspiciously billed as 'free', anticipation was not
high. Derivative? Yes. Amateur? Yes. Was I the only person in the room? Almost. But you
can't help feeling that this was the sort of performance, attitude and vibe that the
comedy sector of the Festival should represent. I located the unfamiliar venue, bought a
beer and spent time with James Blood and his laptop idling away the 'end of days'. Cue
sight gags, and the dreaded 'list' format, but James' resigned, self-effacement was
disarming. Consequently, this conceptual Powerpoint act came to life, containing segments
that although lacking polish, were darkly comic and ultimately funny. Not brilliant or
revolutionary by any means, but quite literally priceless...
Laughing Horse @ Linsay's, 4 - 25 Aug (not 10, 11), 12:30pm (1:30pm), free non-ticketed,
fpp 28.
tw rating 3/5
17th Aug - Mixt Nutz -   - The Scotsman - click here
16th Aug - ismo Leikola -    - The
List - click here
15th Aug - Dan Willis -   - Three Weeks
Dan Willis: A Stage, A Mic, Some Jokes - Free
Laughing Horse Free Festival
My mum used to say you don't get anything for free, and as this was the first free show
I'd been to in the Festival I didn't know what to expect. Would it be terrible? Would I
have to fight for a seat? When I got there I was pleasantly surprised; the show was good.
Dan Willis was in professional comic mode spending almost half the show working the
audience, and the other half going over predictable but amusing material, about blasé
attitudes to terrorism and bullying, to name a few. His show did not break any new ground
but it was a hit with the audience who were sweating it out in this hot venue. God forbid,
but maybe my Mum was wrong.
Laughing Horse @ Meadow Bar, 4 - 27 Aug, 9:15pm (10:15pm), free non-ticketed, fpp 41.
tw rating 3/5
14th Aug - Dr Who themed Night in aid of
ACCORD Hospice - details here; plus article on here,
plus plug on Dr Who Fansite Outpost Gallifrey - click here;
and here too.
Download a podcast of the event from Creation
Podcasts: Introduced by Mitch Benn - Warning: contains strong language. Click here
to download MP3, 27:30min, 13 MB
14th Aug - Dan Willis -   - Chortle - Click
14th Aug - Great Big Comedy Picnic -    - Three
The Great Big Comedy Picnic (Free)
Ian Fox and Laughing Horse Free Festival
The most notable thing about this show in its early years was its persistent one star
reviews, brought on by its inept and unintelligible performers. Much to my surprise, my
expectations were exceeded within a few minutes by a poker faced compère whose
razor-sharp, dry-wit indicated a decisive break with the past. He first introduced a plump
bald man with a guitar, who sang humorous songs; followed by a short man with a
surprisingly original take on married life. Best of all was the headline act of Paul
Betney who spoke of a hilarious idea about Liverpool John Lennon Airport being entirely
Beatle-themed, which had the undeservedly small audience in stitches. Excellent comedy for
zero pounds and zero pence.
Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 6 - 25 Aug (not 7, 14, 21), 8:35pm (10:10pm), free
(non-ticketed), fpp 51
tw rating 4/5
14th Aug - Nicole Korkolis and Jo Caufield in
The Scotsman - click
14th Aug - Paul Allen Harry on Creation
Podcasts. Warning: contains strong language. Download
MP3, 8:18min, 2 MB
13th Aug - Ivor Dembina -   - Three Weeks
Jewish Comedy - Free At Last
Ivor Dembina at Laughing Horse Free Festival
There are a few
uncomfortable jokes tonight, but this free show isn't half bad. It gets off to a slow
start, but once the ball - sorry, dreidel - starts rolling, it's an enjoyable experience
with a few good laughs. Dembina is perhaps a more talented storyteller than he is a
comedian; his amusing little anecdotes are as heartfelt as they are funny. Of course, the
Jewish stereotypes portrayed are hard to miss - the overbearing Jewish mother, guilt, the
comparison of holocaust museums to McDonalds - however the stories are also surprisingly
personal and deeply authentic. The show could have done with a little more of these tales
and a little less rambling about his sex life, but overall, 'Free At Last' was
entertaining. Shalom.
Laughing Horse @ Linsay's, 4 - 18 Aug, 7:55pm (8:55pm), free non-ticketed, fpp 60.
tw rating 3/5
12th Aug - Stand-up Comedy Courses on Reuters
Click Here
11th Aug - Richard Coughlan -    - Three
The Honky-Hating Heterophobic
Laughing Horse @ Linsay's
The lord of filth, Richard Coughlan, is on a mission; it's political correctness gone mad!
The clue is in the title, so keep your children and grannies away from this madness. This
sexist atheist will offend anyone and everyone as he shares his opinion on such topics as
The Bible, Jesus, Muslims, race, terrorism and women. His vibrant charisma entices every
single soul in the audience as snort-out-loud laughter echoes throughout the venue. The
creative marvel that he is, Coughlan doesn't shy away from speaking his lively and
twisted, yet logical mind. The fainthearted have hereby been warned; you will be shocked
deep down to your very core. What we get is an utterly side-splitting comedy genius; damn
right, fan-fucking-tastic!
Laughing Horse @ Linsay's, 5 - 27 Aug (not 15, 16), 5:30pm (6:30pm), free ticketed, fpp
tw rating 4/5
11th Aug - Nicole Korkolis -    - Three
Show You Mine - Free Show
Nicole Korkolis/Laughing Horse Free Festival
There is a marvellous intensity about Nicole Korkolis that is slightly scary at first.
She's one of those 'larger than life' comedians whom you believe might smack you one if
you don't laugh at her jokes. Luckily for us then, she is insanely funny. In 55 minutes,
her comedy touches on pedestrian perversion, the rationale of religion, and childhood
innocence. Her work on the 'Graham Norton Effect' is evident - if you enjoy that then this
will be a treat. With the face of an angel and the mind of a devil, Korkolis deserves to
be the next big thing, and the fact that she is performing to you for free is an
opportunity not to be missed.
Laughing Horse @ Berlin, Aug 4 - 25, 5:40pm (6:35pm), free non-ticketed, fpp 56.
tw rating 4/5
11th Aug - Ismo Leikola -   - Three Weeks
Leikola - Rogue State Finland
Leikola/Laughing Horse
The king of crude has landed, all the way from Finland, to dish the dirt on his
homeland. Ismo Leikola takes it upon himself to reveal all about his native soil, and he
does so like no other. His dry and dirty approach leaves his audience in tears of
laughter, but sensitive types beware, this is not for the easily-offended! Close to the
bone it may be - yet despite the filth, Ismo's charming approach helps to establish him as
an endearing figure. His brutal honesty and filthy imagination make for great Finnish
comedy - though not everything necessarily adapts perfectly for the British audience.
There are clearly quite a few cultural differences here, and Ismo's material needs some
adapting to keep a UK audience as happy as his Finnish co-patriots.
Laughing Horse @ Edinburgh City Football Club, 5 - 25 Aug, 3:20pm, free (non-ticketed),
fpp 58.
tw rating 3/5
11th Aug - Heresy Project -   - Three Weeks
The Penultimate Solution
Heresy Project
If you like predictable attacks on good taste and simple humour intended to shock, this is
the show for you. 'The Penultimate Solution' is rough-around-the-edges comedy with
performers intent on satirising both religion and militant atheism. Controversial
discriminatory jokes, non-stop swearing and absurdly disrespectful comments provoke a
mixed reaction - with some audience members grinning sympathetically while others seem
genuinely offended. The two big-mouthed comics are keen to interact with the viewers and
encourage participation, and they ably put down any heckles sent their way. This
blasphemous show might not be in great taste, but the slightly crazy performance is well
thought-out with a good pace. For better or worse, this is unforgettable comedy that makes
a good effort to impress.
Laughing Horse @ Jekyll and Hyde, 2 - 25 Aug, 10.15pm (11.15pm), free (non-ticketed), fpp
tw rating 3/5
11th Aug - James Blood-   - Chortle - Click
11th Aug - Sally-Anne Hayward -   - Chortle - Click
10th Aug - Steve Day -     - Chortle - Click
10th Aug - Steve Day -    - The
Scotsman - Click
10th Aug - Tony Cowards - The Stage
- Click
10th Aug - Jaik Campbell
- The Stage - Click
9th Aug - Ivor Dembina
- The List - Click Here
8th Aug - Mark Allen -   - Metro - Click
8th Aug - Caimh McDonnell - -   - Three Weeks
Proclaimed the finest
white-haired Irish comic whose name nobody can pronounce by his press people,
ID finds Caimh McDonnell rifling through his wallet. This, by itself, would
not make for much of a show, but it all comes together when he explains its contents, and
how they collectively define him. Caimh reveals he was put on a terrorist suspect list for
having on his person a membership card for Fine Fail (the Republic of Ireland government
party) and a couple of pictures of Jesus that his Mammy gave him. Audience members are
then invited to analyse the contents of their own wallets. A genius idea - Caimh is a
master at taking the piss, but in a nice way.
7th Aug - Guid Sisters opening delayed - click here
6th Aug - Edward Aczel -   - The Scotsman - Click
6th Aug - Bobby Carroll -   - The Scotsman - Click
2nd August - Duncan Edwards on
Creation podcasts - Warning: contains strong language.Download
MP3, 8:41min, 4 MB
1st August - Abroad appeal -
foreigners in the List - Click
1st Aug
- Linsay's and
Pear Tree venues included in the Scotsman's 'Top 5 places to drink
outside' - click here 27th July -
University of Edinburgh Fringe News - click
16th July - Karen Bayley in the List - click here
7th July - The show must go on (even if it bankrupts the
lot of us) - Anna Davies and the Free Festival in the Guardian - click here
5th July: Chris McCausland in the Edinburgh Evening News: Click Here
30th May: The Free Festival's 130 shows mentioned in the Launch of Chortle's online
Fringe Guide - Click here
20th March: News of Richard Coughlan's Record breaking Rap on
Chortle: Click Here
1st Mar:
with news on our link-up with The Underbelly: Click Here
9th Jan: First
Press coverage of 2007 for the Free Festival: Laughing Horse Interview in
Time Out London: Click
here for reviews from 2006