Men are not perfect therefore they have to die,
one way or another.
The reminiscences of Ciccolina, an Italian diva as
beautiful as faded, tells an endearing story of how she killed hers.
But did she, or is it all in her mind? After all;
she thinks shes being interviewed about her life onstage while she really is in the
common room at the loony-bin studied by a Swede and a Brit in nurses
Ciccolina thrives on her version of events and
takes her audience from sympathy to shock horror.
Her character transports us from reality into
surrealism and maybe back again, consumed with fantasy and flashing with glittering speed
and lightness.
A performance inspired by Max Aubs
Exemplary Crimes, Ennio Flaianos Aphorisms and Anche
le formiche nel loro piccolo si incazzano by Gino E Michele. |