The man behind 'Hands Up Puppets'
and so many television puppet characters steps out of the shadows and stands up on stage
to bring you this extraordinary and very funny 'One Man Comedy Show'.Puppeteer and Puppet Maker Marcus
Clarke has been creating Puppet characters for Television for over 20 years. His
other great passion is Comedy and hes long wanted to bring the two together in a
totally modern re-invention of the Classic 'Cod Vent Stage Act. A Cod Ventriloquist
is one who deliberately performs badly for comic effect. I had seen Sandy
Powell a great exponent of the Cod Vent Act while a youthful Follow Spot
Operator at my local Theatre Royal. The sheer quirkiness of the relationship between
Puppet, Puppeteer and Audience made a long lasting impression on me. Sandy Powell,
played a very poor Ventriloquist. In the Puppet Maker I am a delusional Puppet
Maker who believes his Puppets come to life and talk to him. The Illusion of life and
Comedy have long been a fascination and this Act is a great way to enjoy putting the two
together. To also bring an Old style Act, with a new premise, to a new audience and to try
out a swathe of fresh, original and quirky new Comedy material. |