The Laughing
Horse Free Festival is extremely proud to present to you a comedy sketch show specially
created for this years Edinburgh Fringe. For nine nights, the Performance
Terrorists plan to grab a hold of your funny bone, stroke it, bash it and do anything
necessary to it to elicit laughter from all whove come to experience their show:
Charm//Offensive. Written and performed by Henry Fosdike and Sophie Petzal, two hugely
talented* students of Bournemouth University.
Their mission: Unbridled entertainment for 45 minutes!
Their dream: For you to leave show with a whole new way
of looking at the world
or something
Their expectations: Libel.
The Performance Terrorists would love to see you at
this show
preferably watching them. Not least because, for you its totally free and
cost them nigh on an arm and a leg and a whole lot of dignity, but because they are
actually quite good.
And to be honest, what else are you doing at 12.15am?
No backstage, no breaks, no woman, no cry, (hang on
45 minutes of relentless sketch comedy. No holds barred, and no discreet costume changes.
So come along! Make their day! And prepare to be entertained with sketches about
policemen, films and scrabble amongst many others. Yes. Scrabble. We guarantee youll
be glad you did.
(*) Probably a lie. |