Performances |
Aug 8-9 18:30
(1hr) (Free Non-ticketed) - Laughing Horse @ The Counting House, 38 West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh. EH8 9DD |
Aug 11
20:45 (1hr) (Free Non-ticketed) - Laughing Horse @ The Hive, 15-17 Niddry Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1LG |
Aug 8-28 15:20 (1hr) (Free
Non-ticketed) - Laughing Horse @ The Newsroom, 5-11
Leith Street, Edinburgh. EH1 3AT. |
click here for venue details.
Click here for map. |
Box Office |
0131 557 5830 |
Admission |
Please note this film
now replaces the 'Waiting for malcolm' performances at the newsroom
When a drunk Malcolm Hardee fell to his death
in the Thames in 2005 the ripples were felt throughout the comedy community. Local hero,
entrepreneur, compere and criminal, Malcolm is often hailed as the unsung 'Godfather of
alternative comedy'. His clubs in South East London are remembered as the 'alternative of
the alternative', a place where Britain's
best-loved live acts earned their stripes
facing the hardest crowds ever known. And where Malcolm would usually get his knob out.
Friends and family tell his story: Arthur Smith, Jools Holland, Mark Lamarr, Vic Reeves.
And his mum. |