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Venue:Coco Boho, 125b George Street Edinburgh EH2 4JN
Phone: 01312255005
Links: Click Here for venue details, Click here for map
Ticket Prices: Free & Unticketed  
Room: Main Room
AUG 17-18, 20-25 at 21:00 (60 min)
Show Image

Gaslighting is My Love Language is about being gaslit for 13 years by a character actor husband. Fresh off a successful run at 2023 Edinburgh Fringe, the show was featured in the UK Times, who wrote, “Their marriage was like the Exxon Valdez supertanker leaking gallons of oil in your home.” Fielding Edlow (Bojack Horseman) is an intimacy-avoidant, charming woman who just wanted a boyfriend and ended up in a 13-year marriage or “light hostage situation.” It’s a 21st century Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? but instead of parlor games and Dewars, it’s wordle and microdosing sheet cakes.

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News and Reviews for this Show

June 11, 2024  North West End
Gaslighting is My Love Language at Just The Tonic
 Click Here

July 28, 2023 UK Times
My Toxic Marriage
 Click Here

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 Website Design & Development by Craig Shaynak and Alex Petty