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Venue:Home Bar, 69 Home St Edinburgh EH3 9JP
Phone: 0131 228 3664
Links: Click Here for venue details, Click here for map
Ticket Prices: Pay What You Can Tickets - from £5  
Room: Basement
AUG 1-25 at 19:15 (60 min)
Show Image

Meet Alicia —a razor-sharp comedian in her thirties, grappling with unmet career expectations. Life took unexpected turns, landing her in a role she detests: an English teacher for children.
Alicia's journey is a rollercoaster of comedic twists and poignant turns. As a struggling artist, her dreams of fame and fortune collided with the harsh reality of bills and adulting. An immigrant, she navigated the challenges of a new culture, language barriers, and the uphill battle of making a name for herself.
Explore her world as she fearlessly unravels the absurdities of her unconventional path. From the highs of pursuing artistic dreams to the lows of settling for the seemingly mundane role of an English teacher, Alicia turns her struggles into comedic gold.
The stage becomes a canvas for Alicia to paint vivid tales of her experiences. Her witty commentary on the quirks of adulting, navigating the expectations of society, and the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with unfulfilled aspirations is both relatable and riotously funny. Through clever anecdotes and self-deprecating humor, Alicia crafts a narrative that transcends cultural boundaries.
As an expat, Alicia transforms her experiences into a universal language that resonates with anyone who's ever felt the sting of unmet expectations. The highs and lows of her journey become a tapestry of laughter, showcasing resilience and the ability to find humor even in the most unexpected places.
Alicia's disdain for her newfound role as an English teacher to children becomes a comedic focal point. Her hilarious misadventures in the classroom, attempting to corral the chaos of young minds while secretly questioning her life choices, are bound to leave the audience in stitches.
But beyond the laughs, Alicia's story is one of triumph over adversity. Her resilience shines through as she turns the unexpected twists of her life into opportunities for growth and self-discovery. The audience will find themselves not only entertained but also inspired by her ability to find humor in the face of life's curveballs.
Join Alicia on a comedic journey that transcends borders, cultures, and expectations. Through her wit, vulnerability, and unfiltered humor, she invites you to laugh at the unpredictability of life and, in the process, discover the beauty in embracing the unexpected. This show is not just a night of laughter—it's a celebration of the resilience that comes with turning life's detours into destinations worth exploring.

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