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Ivor Dembina

Ivor Dembina is a London based Jewish comedian who uses the traditional flavour of Jewish humour to tackle tricky subjects. A previous recipient the 'Editor's Pick of the Fringe Award', and an armful of four-star and five-star reviews for his work over the years.


His first solo show, Stand Up Jewish Comedy (1994) was a comic critique of his own life as a Jew brought up in north London, UK. His next show was SadoJudaism (2001), a close up and peculiarly Jewish view of the worlds of fetishism and sadomasochism. His most political show (2004) was a comic account of his visit to Israel and the Palestine entitled 'This is Not a Subject for Comedy'.  But arguably his most successful show is also his most recent one, 'Old Jewish Jokes' (2014 onwards) with which he joyously brings to Edinburgh every year, always playing to sell out houses. His latest show, 'Millwall Jew' (2023) is something special. Its about what happens when a Jewish soccer fan like himself defies expectations and swears allegiance to his local football team, Millwall FC.


Whether he is doing a club set or in solo mode you can expect a mixture of thoughtful routines and top gags held together by a natural ease with the audience, a quality he's acquired through his extensive experience as a compere.  


Ivor Dembina is founder and resident host of the Hampstead Comedy Club (now located in Camden Town) which for over 30 years has been among London's best comedy venues.  See: or









 Website Design & Development by Craig Shaynak and Alex Petty