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James Bryce

Old Git has waddled about the planet bemused for 74 years. Before his memory starts memory to go starts to go go, and the hooded man sharpens his scythe and he snuffs it, he’s desperate to find out how things ended up like this. In It’s a Con, Old Git explores how we got here, links nipple to Armageddon, womb to Woomera, and finds the same crazy assumptions, the same misconceptions, lifetime after lifetime, civilization after civilization in an uproarious show which strings stand-up, clowning, and songs with a twisted logic and suspects that we’ve never grown up, age is a myth, time is a con and you could do worse than throw your baby out with the bathwater. Old Git is the altered ego of Jim Bryce: ACTOR You will tramp across a lot of cobbles this Fringe before you see a finer performance than James Bryce as the aged Chaplin… a remarkable performance(Theatre Cat), COMPOSER Of his musical ‪’Whisky Kisses - The revelation was Bryce's music... complex and many-stranded (Hi-Arts) SONGSMITH Intelligent, thought-provoking... If we'd known him for the last 20 or 30 years he'd sell bushels of CDs (MGCK), Randy Newman after a bottle of Pimms (PMR) PERFORMER Bryce admits to being a musical tart. Fruitcake may be more appropriate.(Glasgow Herald) Human being at 74, it’s too early to say.


 Website Design & Development by Craig Shaynak and Alex Petty