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This is the Free Festival Performers Edit Site

Use these pages to:

  • Submit a New Show Application

  • Edit your Contact and Personal info

  • Edit all of your Shows Details

  • Upload Show Image for the Website

  • Upload your Press & Media Releases

  • Add News & Reviews as the Fringe progresses

  • Revel in the retro 2009 web pages before they are replaced with the snazzy new ones like the main site!



Sid Ozalid

Scotland's Top Dyslexic Comedy Poet - If You Like Silly You will Love Sid. Sid Ozalid is a Poetry Performance Veteran, he has supported bands such as The Clash & The Specials, your Granny might have seen him on the All Winners Show of BBC's Stars In Their Eyes or playing Denise Nelson on Ch4. He recently got to Number 43 in the Greek Record Charts. Over the last 46 years he has performed in London, Amsterdam, Paris, Melbourne, Singapore and New York but mostly in Aberdeen. An Award Winning Poet & Best Selling Author who will take you on an interactive journey of the totally ridiculous. "Spike Milligan on Magic Mushrooms" - The Face


Shows Sid Ozalid has at this Festival

Wordy Wordy Words


 Website Design & Development by Craig Shaynak and Alex Petty