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This is the Free Festival Performers Edit Site

Use these pages to:

  • Submit a New Show Application

  • Edit your Contact and Personal info

  • Edit all of your Shows Details

  • Upload Show Image for the Website

  • Upload your Press & Media Releases

  • Add News & Reviews as the Fringe progresses

  • Revel in the retro 2009 web pages before they are replaced with the snazzy new ones like the main site!




Michelle is an Australian comedian and writer living and working in Barcelona Spain. She started her comedy career in 2022 and since then has performed in over 250 shows of standup, sketch and improv in the UK, Australia, Ireland and Spain. From performing at the Opera House in Cork, Ireland to hosting a weekly open-mic comedy show in Barcelona, she is an integral part of the English-speaking comedy scene in Spain and across Europe. Michelle has completed formal training in standup comedy and clowing in London, UK. In 2023 Michelle performed in various showcase and improv shows at The Fringe and 2024 will be her first solo show at The Fringe.


 Website Design & Development by Craig Shaynak and Alex Petty